About Our Criminal Defence Practice

The principal of the firm – Steven Pica is an Accredited Criminal Law Specialist. He was admitted to practice in 1983 and has practised both as a solicitor and barrister in the State of Victoria as well as interstate.

Steven has acted in numerous high profile cases and has a commitment to providing the best legal service available. He has acted on behalf of clients in all Courts, ranging from the Children’s Court to the High Court of Australia.

Our firm offers a 24 hour/7 day emergency service for those in urgent need of legal assistance.

Our firm further offers potential clients an opportunity to meet with the solicitor handling their matter ‘in person’ for an obligation-free first meeting. This allows all prospective clients to discuss their matters so that they have a better understanding of their case, without incurring any legal fees, whether or not that prospective client decides to engage our legal services.

Pica Criminal Lawyers is on the Victoria Legal Aid Panel for matters in all Courts. Should a prospective client require assistance from Victoria Legal Aid, our firm has the capacity to process and expedite the required documentation for a grant of legal aid, subject to the client meeting Victoria Legal Aid’s guidelines for funded assistance.

“The firm is committed to providing expert criminal law advice and representation in a professional, prompt and cost effective manner”

Criminal Lawyers Melbourne